“Kulliyat” is an Arabic word in Unani medicine it stands for the “Fundamentals”. The Department of Kulliyat has been established to learn the basic concepts and general principles with a holistic approach regarding the formation, functions and status of the body with reference to the diagnosis and treatment.

The discipline deals with the core subjects of Unani medical science as Umure Tabi‘yah (factors of physis), Asbabo Alamat (acts and their signs), Usule Ilaj (terms of treatment) and Itlaqi Kulliyat (applied fundaments).

“Kulliyat” is an Arabic word in Unani medicine it stands for the “Fundamentals”. The Department of Kulliyat has been established to learn the basic concepts and general principles with a holistic approach regarding the formation, functions and status of the body with reference to the diagnosis and treatment. The discipline deals with the core subjects of Unani medical science as Umure Tabi‘yah (factors of physis), Asbabo Alamat (acts and their signs), Usule Ilaj (terms of treatment) and Itlaqi Kulliyat (applied fundaments).